VAC Divine IV | MMR: 5266 - Behavior: 9009 - Communication: 9009

VAC BanLimited SkinsPro Tip Included
Dota 2SKU: 29411015|STA
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Warranty Package *
Tình trạng kho: Đã bán
Vận chuyển: Vận chuyển tức thì
Bảo hành: Gói tiêu chuẩn miễn phí
Thỏa mãn: Trao đổi 1: 1 hoặc Hoàn tiền
Có sẵn trong: Tất cả các khu vực / Máy chủ
Số điện thoại: Đã kích hoạt cho trận đấu xếp hạng

Mô tả

  • VAC Ban: CG:GO (You still can play Dota 2 normally)
  • Main Roles: Midlane, support, safelane
  • Main Heroes: Magnus, Muerta, Slark
  • Hours played: 824 Hours
  • Phone Number: Activated (You can play ranked match right away) 
  • Add Friends Feature: Locked (You will need to spend at least $5.00 USD within the Steam store to unlock this feature)
  • Community Market:  Not Activated
by buying this account you will have an article explaining :
  • every position in advanced style and lower rank style and things you should be doing and you might even know but you have never thought of as a crucial and delicate and important fact to promote your gameplay also on each role we give you a few hero guides in which we have explained why the hero is good , what items you need to stomp enemy and take advantage of , in what situations you need the hero and more
  • by adapting the ideas gathered from professional players we are hoping that you could give it a shot at being a better player at each role that you play the most!

VAC Ban Account

How To Buy

Account Warranty

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