VAC Divine II | MMR: 4842 - Behavior: 10000

VAC BanHave ArcanasLimited SkinsPro Tip Included
Dota 2SKU: 27571073|SIL
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Warranty Package *
Tình trạng kho: Đã bán
Vận chuyển: Vận chuyển tức thì
Bảo hành: Gói tiêu chuẩn miễn phí
Thỏa mãn: Trao đổi 1: 1 hoặc Hoàn tiền
Có sẵn trong: Tất cả các khu vực / Máy chủ
Số điện thoại: Đã kích hoạt cho trận đấu xếp hạng

Mô tả

  • VAC Ban: CG:GO
  • Main Roles: Midlane, support, safelane
  • Main Heroes: Broodmother, Riki, Chaos Knight
  • Hours played: 2391Hours
  • Phone Number: Activated
  • Steam Market: Not Activated
by buying this account you will have an article explaining :
  • every position in advanced style and lower rank style and things you should be doing and you might even know but you have never thought of as a crucial and delicate and important fact to promote your gameplay also on each role we give you a few hero guides in which we have explained why the hero is good , what items you need to stomp enemy and take advantage of , in what situations you need the hero and more
  • by adapting the ideas gathered from professional players we are hoping that you could give it a shot at being a better player at each role that you play the most!

VAC Ban Account

  • This account is a "VAC Ban Dota 2 Account"
  • VAC Ban Accounts are the accounts which got VAC Ban of other games (CS:GO, FF14...) except Dota 2. So you still can play Dota 2 normally.
  • Why are we selling VAC Ban Accounts? - These accounts are suitable for players who don't want to spend a lot of money buying an account to play smurf, test new meta or play with friends. Because the VAC ban of other games does not affect the game experience in Dota 2.
  • All our VAC Ban Accounts also have Silver Care and Gold Care warranty pack, which come with a lot of benefits, including 1:1 exchange for up to 3 months (as normal accounts).

How To Buy

  1. Choose the account you are interested in.
  2. Choose the warranty package, add to cart & check out (Payment methods)
  3. Account information will be sent to your email right after the payment goes through, check your mailbox for it (make sure you don't have typo when you place the order, or the email won't be sent correctly. Also check your spam mailbox too cause sometime the confirmation email fell into there), log in the account and start your gaming journey.

      Account Warranty

      We are offering 3 warranty packs: 1 free pack & 2 paid packs. All warranty packs go with these features:
      • 100% Safe Guarantee: All our accounts don't have any VAC / LP / ban warning / any other restrictions.
      • Instant Delivery: Right after your purchase, account information will be sent to your mail box. For some of the email service, the information email can be delayed from 5-10 mins.
      • Return / Refund Policy: We have a very clear policy for return / refund after purchase. It depends on the warranty pack that you buy along with account. Check it below.

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