- After first 5 days of calibration, we realized that the medal cap is higher on new season of Dota 2 since they removed 0 star medal.
- On the first season, you only need to reach 4.8k MMR to achieve Divine 0 medal, but now, even your MMR is 5.0, you are only in Ancient V.
- That's why we even got 100% winrate for customers and achieve higher MMR in this new season but medal still dropped.
- As of now, season two's MMR estimates are highly speculative.
Leaderboard medals
- Players who make it onto the regional Leaderboards will earn Immortal medals, with their rank displayed beneath the medal.
- All Immortal medals have a sparkling particle effect in-game.
New Ranked Season | No more big gain on Re-Calibration
High Winrate, Fast & Professional Recalibration Service by VikingDOTA