Hey guys, I'm Adrin from VikingDOTA and today's blog is going to be about the most important thing that you should learn in dota like before you learn anything, without wasting anytime lets get into it
Laning stage
You might ask why? I got a pretty simple answer for you, If you don't get out of laning stage with enough last hits and experience you won't be able to play rest of the game with a stable sanity which means you are going to be pissed off all the time about the fact that enemy cores are have much more items than you, so anyway lets get into the mechanics that every single pro player use to their own advantage in order to have a good lane
Step One: Lane control
Basically lane control is using creep aggro and your own movements to last hit the creeps in a much more comfortable position, what i mean is that when the creep wave is close your tower and out of tower's firing area which is the safest position to last hit in, you try to keep the creep wave in the same position as they were before by killing your own creeps as much as u kill enemy creeps so you end up with no creeps which will cause next creepwave to meet in the same position, so how creep agro works? If you just stay close enough to creeps and even issue an attack on enemy heroes, you don't even need to really hit them just target the enemy hero with A attack, Once you've done that you triggered the creeps for 3seconds which means they will follow you for 3 whole seconds, so what is the benefit of doing that? First of all you will be able to pull the creeps far from enemy not only you can kill the creep in a much more comfortable position, enemy won't be able to deny the that creep as easy as it was before, and you can do that every 3 seconds, Also you want creeps to let you go? Just press A attack on your ally
Step Two: Understand your opponents intentions
As a carry player you should keep in mind that enemy offlaner and position 4 are not there to pat you on the head and let you farm, they are specially there to just harras you and prevent you from farming, so your priority is to get as much last hits as it is possible without dying I'm gonna say it twice "Without dying" Because you are not there to kill brother you are there to farm, So you should understand that not dying is much more important than killing cuz 60 percent of your matches will be a hard lane so you better suit yourself to play safe, I have seen people just begin aggressive and impatience thinking that if they don't commit anything they will lose the game, Just chill you are not goin to win the game by killing you win the game by destroying the throne.
Step Three: Don't ignore your support!
Dota is a knoweldge based game unlike league of legends, but it doesn't mean you can improve without skills, last hit practicing is one of most important thing in learning carry, yes you can control the lane, aggro the creeps and matchup with your support but rain or shine you need to posses that last hitting skill in order to master your role.
Step Four: Skills beside knowledge
Dota is a knoweldge based game unlike league of legends, but it doesn't mean you can improve without skills, last hit practicing is one of most important thing in learning carry, yes you can control the lane, aggro the creeps and matchup with your support but rain or shine you need to posses that last hitting skill in order to master your role.Note : you can checkout our coaching services so we can analyze your gameplay in much more depth!
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